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RE: RC: Horse Trailer

A friend just bought a used trailer with a ramp, after using step ups for 
about 15 years.  Both of her horses are a bit silly about the ramp.  It's too 
steep for them, but too long to step over.  It can be slippery if it's wet, 
even just dew in the morning.  One mare has slid off the side and skinned her 
legs up.  Personally, I hate 'em.  Never seen a horse that couldn't figure 
out a step up.  Even if the ramp is spring-loaded, and not heavy to lift, 
it's a lot more complicated than swinging a door shut.  And what if your 
horse decides to unload itself after you get the ramp part way up?  Major 
accident waiting to happen.  I know all that stuff about how your horse 
should be well trained enough not to unload before you ask it to, but whose 
horse is perfect every time?  jeri

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