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Nomination for West Region Director
November 10, 2001
Dear AERC Member:
You will either have already received your AERC ballot or will shortly.
It is important that you vote this year. Significant issues concerning
the future of the AERC are to be decided. Vote for someone you believe
will represent your views and make good decisions for the future of the
AERC. I know that I can do this for you.
The following people have expressed this belief by giving me their
endorsement and support.
Maryben Stover, AERC BOD Ruth Waltenspiel
Donna Snyder-Smith Greg Fellers, D.V.M.
Dale Lake, WSTF (Tevis) Chairman
I believe that Limited Distance is a part of our sport. All of us can
have different goals and still be part of the AERC. Limited distance
can be anything from a learning experience, a place to bring up new
horses, to a way of being with other equestrians in enjoying our
environment. I believe that we should make sure that this can be both a
rewarding as well as a learning experience for a part of our membership.
The AERC is an educational organization as well as a record keeping
organization. I support development of an educational program for
people new to the sport as well as one that will help us all take better
care of our equine partners.
While I do not have the final answer as to what role the AERC is to take
in International competition, we have to take part in the future
direction of our sport. If we don't take part – we lose any chance to
influence the direction of a sport we originated. The AERC and the FEI
can both find ways to reach agreement that will lead to a better sport.
I encourage all of you to vote. Ask questions and find out what the
nominees believe in rather than voting on a name basis. These elected
representatives should reflect your views.
You can reach me with questions on my views at sleeeker@garlic.com or at
408 779-4722. I can represent you well and would appreciate your
Jan Jeffers
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