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Re: Osage Orange Tree/Hedge Apples
Any ideas what may be causing the sores? Anybody had hedge apples cause this
much trouble in a herd of 22 horses?
I really don't think it is the hedge apples per se, although it
could be eating "too many" --maybe. If the horses are also suffering from
rain-rot, it sounds like their immune systems may be down for some reason,
and this is a combination of things. I certainly would not cut down the
trees---they are among the hardiest trees there are and won't be having
limbs breaking out and falling on your horses, etc. You may have just had
an extra-prolific production year for the hedge apples.
As I said, there is the chance they are eating *too many* of the hedge
apples---I don't know the possible acid content of these "apples"--but I do
know when *I* eat a LOT of apples (or other acidic fruit, including
tomatoes), my own mouth breaks out in sores from the acid content.
For what it's worth
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