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Re: RC: Re: Re: Re: Trouble/ Terrian
I think there are only 3 100 milecontinuous loop rides left, the Tevis (which is
really point to point) the OD and the Big Horn. The Big Horn is on my list
someday and yes Jim Montanta and Wyoming are probably some of the most beautiful
country you will ever see. I did two rides in east last summer and plan on going
back this summer.
I did hear that there has been problems with vandalism of the trail markers at
the Big Horn - most likely from folks who don't want horses there - the past
couple of years. Heard this from a guy who ending up lost for a long time
because of it. What a shame.
Sandy Bolinger wrote:
> Jim...The Big Horn is not only the most challenging ride I've done...it's by
> far the most beautiful... If you were to win the lottery..or perhaps rob a
> bank...you could make a grand trip of it...not only seeing some of the most
> beautiful country in the universe (Wyoming and Montana)...but doing some
> great rides along with the Big Horn while you're out here. I do empathize
> with the "so poor "part...but "so old" just doesn't cut it!!!!!!!!!!! The
> older you are the more important it is that you make your "wishes" hurry up
> and happen. I bet AARP would sponsor you...and you could wear an AARP
> baseball hat...and AARP T-shirt and paint AARP on you horse's
> forehead....Have AARP license plate on your horse trailer...they would
> probably pay you BIG BUCKs for all that great advertising ;o)
> -
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