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Improved communications w/BOD & members
Crazy week and the emails have piled up. In playing catch-up, I'm struck by
how this important topic seems to have been hashed over but some great
suggestions for resolution haven't gone anywhere.
To recap, Jim Holland requested some improved connection with the BOD at the
convention. There was some good feedback about why some forms of this
weren't practical, but I saw only one reply that it wasn't a good concept in
general. (Kat posted that the convention was a poor choice for how & where
to get this done. I myself disagree - unlike Kat, I don't know any
directors personally, and I feel intimidated to just go charging up to people
at the convention.) In any case, what's not to like about Jim's suggestion
that there be a brief reception for folks to meet the BOD and nat'l staff?
After a meeting when they are all in one place would be fine, or maybe at the
trade show - a meet-the-managment booth, only open for an hour or so, with
info in the packet?
Secondly, and I think even more importantly, I'm concerned about the
discrepancy between all the input and feedback on a variety of topics on RC,
and the misunderstanding many members seem to have about the extent to which
that feedback is/is not getting to the appropriate folks - committee members,
BOD, nat'l staff, etc. (for those of you who hung in for THAT run-on
sentence, congratulations <bg>) In short, we are "talking to ourselves"
in many instances. One tremendous recent example of this was having folks
post their thoughts about topics on the BOD meeting agenda here on RC. I
enjoyed reading them, and they are nice to stimulate discussion, but I sure
hope those who posted weren't under the mis-impression that they were sending
those thoughts where they most needed to go.
There were a couple of great ideas that flew by that would really help with
Jim H. suggested a "formal way through the web site" that directors could
communicate w/their constituents. Similarly, Linda Merims suggested an AERC
member feed back list. Can't recall who the other person was with a
similar concept... sorry. Also, Kat very appropriately notes that
providing input at the time of meeting & vote is not real helpful - the
appropriate individuals need to get the info and have time to think, process,
question, etc.
In any case, could there be a mechanism for topics to be posted for the
membership to comment, or for a round-table type discussion MONITORED by the
directors? I know this furthers the problem for folks who aren't on-line,
but at least it's a start. Mike, if this is possible, is there anything I
could do to help?
pat farmer
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