----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 3:08
Subject: RC: Panic attack
Hi everyone
I live
in England and have been lurking on the list for the past 2 months. I feel i
ought to let everyone share my experience of panic attacks with my mare.
She is a 16.3hh thoroughbred mare who has always been difficult to saddle
and last year we eventually solved the problem by using an Ideal event saddle
and an equitech numnah. She still has to be saddle carefully but provided we
take our time doing it she is fine. she has always been a hormonal mare but it
has never affected her performance and we have been able to keep it under
control. She fractured her pelvis 4 years ago and turned into the monster from
hell by rechanneling her to an endurance career (she is on the british
intermediate team long list) we got her over this and even though she is no
angel she never bolted even when in pain after fracturing her pelvis. Recently
she became very unpredictable, nasty to humans and other horses and very
territorial which was so out of character for her as even though she has
always been a handful to ride she was angelic on the ground with 8 yr old kids
regularly lunging her. Everytime I saddled her she would just bolt of! f
in a blind panic and be very sorry for what she did afterwards. She had also
been in season for 8 weeks continuously so my vet did an internal examination
on her. It turned out that she had cystic ovaries and couldn't be touched
anywhere near the ovarian acupuncture trigger point which is very close to the
saddle area. She is now on regumate and is back to being a happy horse, the
physio couldn't believe the change in her when she came this week. We know she
can't compete on regumate so we are looking for alternatives to this but we at
least know what the problem is and can treat it accordingly.
If anyone has
any suggestions for a regumate substitute I would be most grateful
Bye for