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caused enough trouble, yet?!
I have NEVER been pulled for anything except Sunny's "front
> foot"
> problem. He's never been even close to metabolic stress
Good grief Jim. Why don't you just put a bullseye on your forehead. Talk
about tempting fate. By the way...I wish I knew when my horse "got
close" to metabolic stress. What have you got, a dashlight that says
"Check engine"?
> So do 50's. "Let's get through this" is not an attitude exclusive to>
the> 100's.
I checked Cindy's record...and yours...and mine. They actually don't
look all that different except she's been going longer. I noticed I've
entered 65 races, finished 60. Since I've entered 10 100's that leaves
55 50's (actually I should add to that two 50's I completed before
joining AERC, and the 100 mile PAC)...so guess what...I'm a 50 miler a
far greater percentage of the time. Cindy is too by the way.
I have known you for many years...you certainly are not
> "superior"
Maybe you two just don't know what I'm "superior" at! >beg<
> Kaboot is
> a better horse than Sunny...no questionj'
Suck up. ;-) If you compare them at the same points in their career you
and Sunny seem to be going much faster than we did. >g<
....and you are a better
> rider
You've got a point there. >eg<
>but I wouldn't trade Sunny for
> Kaboot.
> I do have a problem with "attitude".
That would explain why you don't want Kaboot .
>I don't like being > treate> like a "2nd class citizen" just because I
like to do 50's
Me thinks you've got a persecution complex. I don't think she insinuated
anything but that a horse should have more miles to be nominated. In
other words...maybe a horse should have to do five 50's to be in the 50
mile championship. Not "do a 100 to get in the 50 mile championships.
.>...or > LimitedDistance....or don't have "x" Zillion miles...which is
what Cindy> implied, whether she meant it that way or not.
I made the same mileage argument Cindy did to a director back when they
came up with the criteria. All I wanted was for saying "He's NC
qualified" to mean the same as "I had a really good year"
> > I hope to do OD, at least.....and maybe Tevis if I can a> Because
it's a "one time" thing. I'm not a "newbie" here. Sunny's done a75. I
will prepare the very best I can. I train in the mountains...not unlike
OD terrain.
The main thing Kaboot had to learn about 100's was mental, not physical.
I don't train as hard now as I did back before 100's. However, it took 3
100 mile rides before I knew the early signs of trouble. Twice he went
*great* for 80 miles, then lost his appetite. The first time it scared
me and I pulled. After an hour at the trailer he was running circles on
his picket line when horses went through camp. The second time I took
extra time at the vet check and he was O.K. The *third* time I noticed a
different look in his eye and I slowed down on a 15 mile loop between 65
and 80 miles. On that ride he ran away with me at 85 miles.That's the
type of training I'm talking about that I'd want before trying OD.
>?> I will condition Sunny to the "best he can be". He never did a 25.> I
KNEW he could do a 50
What's that Jim? A slam against LD'ers? >eg< O.K. all you LD'ers. Write
Jim and ask him why he thinks your second class citizens. >snicker<
> IMHO, 2 100 mile rides at this level in 7 weeks is
> marginally
> over riding your horse
Guess she was just trying to support the National Championship. Such a
boost to its status to be able to say the Pan Am champ came. Very nice
of her and Rita I thought.
...and it's NEVER stupid to get off your
> horse..at
> least not MY horse
In my book if you've got a horse who can canter along at 15 mph as
relaxed as if he were walking, it's stupid to get off. Besides, I've
made my horse work harder before when I got off too much early in the
race and my muscles were giving out on me making me ride badly later.
Based on how he did at PAN AM, he
> should have been a shoo in at the NCR.
How's that? Very different course, didn't have the long "peak" worked
out, etc.
>The winner beat him by over an hour! So who's "best" horse?
Heck if I know. I certainly never caught a glimpse of the winner. Were we
trying to choose the "best horse" or the winner? Are they always the
same? Better say best horse/rider combination at least. Riders have lots
to do with wins.
"Third" ain't good enough from Cindy's
> perspective.
> You either "WIN" or you don't count. I don't agree with that.
I find that hard to believe looking at her record...over 5000 miles with
lots of top 10's but don't remember if there were any first to finishes.
Doubt she'd do 100 or so 50 milers if she looked down on them and thought
she didn't matter at all when she didn't finish them in first place. I do
not know her *at all*. We've never even talked on line...but I didn't get
what you did out of her post.
> You may not mention it, but she will have to deal with it....along
with the rocks, mud, sand, rain, etc.
I imagine they have some of that in Wyoming.
She might want to consider the
> 50....and Kaboot would probably clean her clock on that
> ride...
Alright now I'm going to have to kill you. Next time a big burly drunk
announces, "I can beat up anybody here" I'm going to answer, "I'll bet
you can't beat up Jim!" Volunteer yourself for a race sucker. >BEG<
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