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cinchiness,saddling problems
Don't think anyone's mentioned this one yet--if so, sorry for the repeat!
Horse(s) can also get an extremely painful muscle spasm in pectoral muscle,
which lies between/behind the front legs. Tightening the girth can cause a
lot of distress! Had this problem with my gelding (teeth grinding and
glaring at me--he is a VERY good natured guy!) for quite some time before I
figured it out. Got rid of the spasm, never had the problem again
(sometimes it tries to come back and I have to massage it out again).
If you run your finger or a pencil along that muscle--not really hard but
firmly and get a reaction that could be it. There are two parallel
muscles, the spasm may be in only one so check both sides. You can locate
the spasm and massage it out easily.
terre (Is Jim the Rolfer still around? He can advise much better than me!)
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