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caused enough trouble, yet?!
Cindy Collins sunsetrim@hotmail.com
My friends say I've caused enough trouble, but since I'm a teacher of
emotionally disturbed adolescents, I have a higher than average tolerance
for chaos and dissension!
So, I just have to add a couple of closing commentsquestions about the
storm I helped to generate over our national championship events. First,
I have a question/clarification. Somewhere in this discussion, someone
said something about LD miles being used to qualify for the NC. Did I
understand that correctly? Would someone clarify? Secondly, I want to
tell the people who lamented their lack of 100 mile rides...look in the
mirror. You, as riders, need to demand 100 mile rides and then attend
them. No ride manager wants to go to all of the extra trouble, and it is
a lot of trouble, to put on a 100 miler and then have 4 entries! Become a
mentor for folks who want to try a 100 and are afraid. Ask for elevator
100s to get new folks to try the longer distance. However, there is one
other thought...when the ROC (and I don't mean to say I think it was the
end all...there were problems, it was just the best thing I've ever seen
for head to head competition among the greatest horses and riders the
sport had to offer) was at its peak, riders demanded that 100 milers were
held and many new 100s were created, JUST SO PEOPLE COULD QUALIFY FOR THE
ROC. It was held in that much esteem. I haven't heard a single person
say, "Oh, let's put on more 100s so we can qualify for the National
Championship ride." However, within a week of the annoucement that the
ROC might return, one of our local ride managers promised to put on a 100
miler in conjunction with our 50s so people could get qualified for the
ROC. People can argue until they are blue in the face, but it won't
change the reality that AT THIS POINT, the membership is not that excited
about the AERC National Championship. The name recognition thing that has
been brought up over and over is the best example of making that point.
Also, as I've said privately, the toughest thing about this discussion, is
that it's impossible to discuss this issue without hurting people's
feelings and that is not the point at all. It is not necessarily
"personal agenda", either. I won a national championship in 1990 under
one of the many newer versions of that event. I never completed the ROC.
I don't know if I ever will, but that doesn't change my feelings about
what a championship should look like. I really do appreciate everyone who
has responded, both pro and con, because it's not about me or my opinion,
it's about what we envision as a true National Champion horse/rider team.
Thanks for listening. Cindy Collins, AERC #176
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