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Tent Camping
To Howard and the rest of the tent campers:
I,too,experienced tent camping for the first time at Lake Louisa.My prior
camping experience had been as a kid in the air-conditioned luxury RV.My
friend and I spent the first 4 hours putting together our tent and various
cooking devices.Luckily, our friend's husband(cute Clint Eastwood look-alike)
helped us assemble the "rain bonnet"of our tent.That night I was desperate for a
shower,so we took turns using my friends sun-shower in the back of her
trailer.She had candles and a nice place to hang your towels-but unfortunately
the sun -shower ran out of water as I was all lathered up.I spotted my
half-empty water bottle and used it to finish up!The second night we located the
showers down by the lake,only ice-cold water.We were so happy to be able to wash
our hair that we did not care,as the hours tick by your standards get lower and
lower!After the ride the rain began to hit and I saw the water creeping into the
front of the tent.Time to leave!We packed up in the driving rain and begun the
3.5 hour drive home.The smart girls brought extra crew to drive them home so
they could sleep.All I can say is if I did this every weekend I would definitely
invest in a gooseneck,possibly w/small LQ.
We saw some in Ocala in the 23-25 range.I'd feed my husband tuna helper for
a year and buy one of those babies.Sigh...
Still a tent camper :)
Alicia and Viktor
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