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Re: RC: Thoughts on Nat Champs & ROC
Hmmmmmm......... I've only heard of two of them - BIT that DOES NOT
matter. The beauty of athletics is the senery keeps changing. The Willy
Mays of my youth gave way to the Barry Bonds of today. The Big O, a.k.a.
Oscar Robertson, of my youth gave way to Michael Jordan who gave way to
Chris Carter.
It's not that one is better than the other - we will never know. It's
not that we have to forget how great one was to acknowledge how greatest
of the current crop. Athletics have an eb and flow. The greats of old
give way to the greats of today who will give way to the greats of
I would say, let us embrace the future not dwell in the past. The
current NC seems to be the way to do that. Riders from 60% of the
country and from Canada embraced the concept in Kentucky in Oct. It's
growing, it's picking up steam. It will be the event and the winner will
be the National Championion.
If anyone else thinks they have the horse to take them on, instead of
whinning on ridecamp show up and take them on head to head and may the
best team win.
Merryben@aol.com wrote:
> Was the original "Trailer Race" better? Well...if you live in a part of
> the country where you can do a race every weekend of the year I guess it
> was...but it still didn't prove they were the "Best endurance horse in
> the country".
> But it did a lot better job of it, in my opinion. I can remember the names of 6-8 national champions in the 80's. Becky Hart, Darolyn, Elwin Wines, Hanne Hollander, Tracy Slater, Brenda Reudy, Marny Nance, and a bunch. I have to admit I cannot name one national champion this year. And I have never understood the term trailer race. Is it not better than having to trailer 2-3,000 miles to go to one race? I don't know but it is a never ending debate. I know that I for one and a lot of people I have talked to would like it to go back to the old system. Doubt that it would happen though.......maryben
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