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Awards Proposal

> I believe that Angie is correct 

*always* >smirk< ;-)

Well...I decided to do a little research and got out all my old AERC
yearbooks planning to check the top 25 in points and see what it told me.
 My first issue was 1987, but I had an older 1980 copy that Danny Herlong
didn't have room for after his *most recent* divorce >g<.  As I looked
through it I was amazed to find 2 pages devoted to comments as to whether
there should be a National Championship ride. >gasp<  Guess what, the
arguments have not changed at *all* on this point... though the other
topics debated were quite, "Should juniors be allowed
to ride unsponsored so long as they don't ride for AERC miles or points",
and some heavyweight complaining about the cut off between the TWO weight
divisions: LW &'s about a photo of Becky Hart in FULL English riding habit (nice jacket Becky)

So...if this argument has been going on for 21 years with no end in sight
or even change in positions, maybe we just need to flip a coin.

P.S.  Kat, if I buy my own regional award, I hope you all are prepared
for the consequences.  I may just take out a loan for something along the
lines of a 4-star general's jacket with braids, medals, and what the
heck...fringe!  Once I've earned one of those things (which I didn't this
year darn it...wanna debate the PAC not counting for points?)  I want
something pretty gaudy to show for it!

P.P.S.  How's about a National Most Photogenic Champion...oops I mean
"Award".  We could line up our ride photos and take a vote.  I've gotten
so many good ones from Becky Siler this year I'm considering making a
coffeetable book of ME. :-))


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