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Board Meetings and the Membership
Board Meetings are open to the Public but not open for Public Comment
during the meetings. The Annual BOD Meeting is scheduled for Thursday
Night to allow the Board to have Committee Meetings prior to the BOD
Meeting...most Directors serve on more than one committee so it is a
juggling act to coordinate the committee meetings. The actual BOD
Meeting begins in the early evening on Thursday and generally addresses
"old issues" that have been ongoing in the year, holdover issues from
Midyear, etc. Anyone who has attended the Thursday night meeting knows
it very seldom ends before 11 PM and has often gone on past
midnight...that is without allowing members to address the BOD. The
membership elects the BOD and has all year to contact the BOD, to address
issues with the BOD...access is available to individual directors via
phone, e'mail, fax, or US Mail and these means of contact are listed in
the front of the Endurance News.
The Sunday Meeting of the BOD is the 1st meeting of the New BOD...the
newly elected Directors and Officers meet for the 1st time and finish old
business and address new business.
Before the Thursday Meeting, during breaks of that meeting, and anytime
after the Thursday Meeting and before the Sunday Meeting the Directors
are (or should) be available to discuss issues with individual members or
groups of members. The scheduled group meeting between membership and
the BOD is on Saturday and no one should feel intimidated to speak. That
meeting is only a glorified "Base Camp"....and in fact, I would guess it
may be more intimidating to individual Directors to respond to a direct
question from a member at the Membership Meeting than the other way
around. There are many different meetings that occur from Thursday to
Sunday, and many of the Directors are very busy trying to make meetings,
get business done, etc...so if it seems a Director seems too busy to stop
and talk..they may actually be very busy trying to accomplish what you
elected them to do. Speaking for myself, the last several years I have
not been able to attend any of the Seminars because I have been involved
in other meetings, etc.
All Directors wear Name Tags identifying them as Directors and/or
Officers. Anyone who sees me and wants to discuss anything..all you have
to do is get my attention.
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