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Re: RC: Annual Meeting/BOD List

In a message dated 10/31/2001 7:32:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

but doesn't
sound like they are scheduled for maximum participation....or maybe
that's the intent? No offense intended, but that's the appearance.

That's what I used to think.  We used to have trouble even finding where and when the Thursday meeting was.

IMHO, the fact that the "meeting rooms are cheaper" on Thursday is a
pretty lame excuse.

I did not mean the meeting rooms, I meant that if you came on Thursday, at least the hotel rooms you stay in are cheaper on Thursday.  $49 I think.  Not the meeting rooms. 

As far as scheduling, the board goes where and when we are told to for meetings.  I am really not sure how they are scheduled.  It has always been this way as long as I can remember and I have been a member of AERC since the firs convention in Sacramento which was held in a room about 1/2 the size of where our banquet is now.  Our speaker was a guy from Purina who put some Purina feed in a jar and some other feed in a jar and added water and shook it up.  At the end of his talk the Purina feed was floating freely and the other feed was a huge mass of gunk.  That was it.  It was also the year Hal Hall was the Junior Champion.  God I feel old.....mb

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