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NC ride

I personally support the NC ride in it's present format and was involved in getting it started. I feel that AERC needs to support and promote the ride, and make it a 'big deal' as a showcase for AERC and the sport of endurance. Let's not get too hung up over the title. (e.g. is the National Best Condition award winner really the horse in the best condition, or is it simply the horse that earned the award by meeting the criteria for the award... ).  
The event is not for everybody, but it can be for anybody. And it may become meaningful to some of you in the future (when it's in your neighborhood, or when you luck into that incredible horse...).
I'm not sure yet how I feel about the funds. I think AERC should foot the bill for the awards, the same as they do for the other AERC championships, but the amount should be in line with the other championships. I haven't seen the justification yet for the $6700 proposal, but this seems excessive. I think AERC should publicize the event, stamp the AERC name all over the event, provide guidelines and guidance to the ride managers, honor the event winners at the awards ceremony, etc. Incidental expenses of putting on a ride should still fall on the ride manager (vets, amenities, banquet, completion awards, land owner fees, etc).
I don't support the idea of charging an additional $20 AERC rider fee for all entries. While it is not an excessive amount, I feel it gives the wrong message. AERC does not charge extra fees for any of it's other championship venues, and it should not single this one out.
Regarding allocation of general funds, our current bylaws include the following:
 Article VI, Purposes:
Section 1. To promote the sport of endurance riding, to act as an education center and clearing house for information concerning endurance riding, and to encourage better care of endurance equines and prevention of cruelty to animals.
Section 2. To promote rider education through convention seminars, newsletter articles, and other means as approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. To encourage and sponsor the collection and publication of scientific data from detailed methodical examination and tests of equines for beneficial use by the veterinary and medical professions.
Section 4. To maintain permanent records of endurance riding and present awards for outstanding performance in endurance riding.
Section 5. To publish rules and guidelines for ride managers and for veterinarians to assist them in putting on rides and to encourage quality rides held under similar conditions.
Section 6. To encourage the riding of historic trails and to preserve such trails for future generations.
It seems that spending general funds in support of a single AERC showcase ride would be justified by Sections 1 and 2 and possibly 6.
I'm always listening and open to suggestions and comments -

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