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Re: Looking for Farrier (Altoona Fl)

Cheers to you...I missed the original post looking for a new farrier but
went back and read it.  You are right... Nelson will often insist on helping
owners work with and train their horses to stand and to some extent, it's
not that big of a deal.  But when we are busy and on a schedule, we can't
take time to train someone else's horse when the owner isn't willing to pay
extra for it (sometimes they are but mostly aren't) and if we have an hour
scheduled for your horse and we have to take two, it really screws up our
schedule.  We only take on new clients now who have your philosophy.  If
they get a new horse that isn't well behaved with his feet, we don't get
called for an appt until he is.  Many people feel that it is the farrier's
job to train the unruly horse....NOT!  If Nelson gets hurt, we are screwed
big time.  I am sure the client whose horse hurts him isn't going to
volunteer to pay the bills until Nelson can work again either.  WORK WITH
YOUR HORSE and work with your your farrier you have HIS best
interests and health at heart and he might even help you out with
suggestions or show you some training tricks.  Good luck,

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