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Fort Valley Day 2
Hello, as i went over the Mountain in the dark early
morning to crew for a friend the wind had somewhat died down but the snow flakes
were a precursor to the chilly day ahead. At the end of that day it was a
good day for Gold Medal Farms. Jeff Crandall on g.m. Iron Mike AKA HHF
Pugnacious came in first and got BC. Mike is a really strong horse that
rides like a giraffe at 15' 3". Jeannie Waldron was second and got
High Vet Score on her "Ancient Rambo". and Lynn Gilbert was third on g.m.
Chagall on his second race in 2 weeks. It thrills me to see my horses go
to good homes to people who do good and Love them. In all my sale
agreements i stipulate that the person purchasing 'treat them like a brother and
Love them'. Jeff and Lynn make me happy. As an afterthought... Gold
Medal Horses have won the OD 50 the past 3 years and 3 of the past 4. tom
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