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> I would like to learn more about any horses that have had an 
> Arrhythmia during endurance rides.  My gelding has had it at a few 
> rides and some vets notice it while others say he's fine?  

We had a ride where the vet check was under powerlines. There was a horse
there who had an arythmia that had never had one before and the rider was
not happy with the vets.  Went on to have many tests done and no problem.
 Later, had another ride there and another horse had an arythmia (also
under the same powerlines).  The rider mentioned that he'd had it happen
one other time ever, and that check had also been under powerlines. 
Could be totally coincidental, but just a tid bit to throw into your pot
of clues.

P.S. they were using a stethoscope, not heart monitor to check it.

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