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Re: 2002 Convention/thank you Susan G
Boy, some days Ridecamp is LOTS more fun to come home to.<g> Thanks for all
the nice posts, I'm glad my suggestions are useful to y'all.
As for speaking all day at convention, I've already talked to Barney and
we've sort of kicked around the idea of an all day nutrition seminar
(assuming my voice can hold out that long). It probably won't happen this
year, but if you guys want it, don't talk to me---tell the BOD and the
convention chair, Sue Kasemeyer NdurN@aol.com and/or Kathleen Henkel, the
executive director kathleen@foothill.net . I'll go pretty much anywhere
that can cover my travel expenses and I already have a full day seminar in
the can from teaching at AAEP and Cornell this past summer. I'd be more
than happy to keep talking as long as someone wants to listen. So if
someone wants to set up a venue, I'm game.
I'm already scheduled for this year's convention in Reno and was planning on
talking about supplements for endurance horses---DMG, carbo, different
vitamins, some of the gee-whiz stuff that's always coming out, etc etc etc.
Which ones work, which don't, and why. Stuff like that. Hope that's
something everyone wants to hear. If not, I'm open to suggestions. Right
now, I think I'm scheduled for a couple hours on Saturday morning. If
anyone wants another marathon Q&A session like we did last year, let Sue or
Kathleen know and maybe we can schedule it over in the vendor hall or
something (or upstairs in the bar and then Jim Holland can put me under the
table again...)<g> If you don't tell them what you want...well, they won't
know what you want (how's that for brilliant deduction)<g>.
As for next year, my understanding is it's going to be held back East.
Right now, I'm NOT planning on being there, because I sometimes get a bit of
feedback from that direction suggesting I don't have anything worthwhile to
say that applies to horses east of the Mississippi. That's okay with me, I
try not to jam myself down anyone's throat, I'll be on senior rotations
anyway and I can use that week to go (what a concept) ride my horse or
something. If y'all back east want me to teach something at the '03
convention, up to and/or including a full day seminar, you'll have to let
both Sue, Kathleen and I know what you want. I'm not fishing for more fan
mail here, I'm just not going to waste my time going to a venue where no one
is going to show up or listen. If not, then maybe we can set up a seminar
for '04 back at Reno, or any other venue anyone wants to set up. So---speak
up one way or the other. :-))
Thanks again for all the nice comments, sure brightened up *my* end of the
week. <g>
Susan G
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