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Board Motions

OK, let's get one thing straight. Rules are made for the
control of the sport and to place competition on a fairly
level basis. Rules are not used to establish policy only to
establish right from wrong.

Taking the motions by number, this is how I see them.

1. would be very good, then members can contact their
directors with comments.
2. OK
3. No, the National Championship is not a phrase copywrited
by the AERC and the AERC connotation is in place by the fact
of sanctioning.
4. Would this mean there would be no more sanction duties
for Regional Directors? Would the Office handle regional
conflicts? This motion needs some more explanation.
5. These are rather stiff requirements. While I see a need
for control I believe that it can be done a bit easier. I
would need further explanation before saying yes to this
6. Yes, very much so.
7. Yes
8. Yes, Yes.
9. No, competition and awards should be kept out of this
area. It would just turn into a popularity contest.
10. Not necessary as our records show there is no problem.
11. You cannot use a rule promote policy. what penalty would
you impose if this rule was not followed? This would prove
to be a very effective avenue for an animal protectionist to
gain entry. So an emphatic NO!
12. Yes.
13. Yes.
14. Change to : "Equines that have
been entered in an AERC Sanctioned Ride and
subsequently die from complications related to the ride
shall be reported to the AERC Office."
15. Yes.
16. Yes.

I am very concerned that these rules changes have not been
passed through the Rules Committee as per AERC Standard
Procedures. That is the first route of control.

One further question; I applaud Mike Maule for presenting
this list of motions so the membership can see what work is
in front of the BoD. I would question why the job has fallen
to Mike? Do none of our other Directors or Officers of the
AERC care what the membership might have to say? I am sorely
disappointed in the BoD's lack of attention to the

Bob Morris

Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID

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