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RE: stumbling gelding
My Endurance mare also used to stumble badly - and if there was a hole she
would fall into it! I started saying "watch It" in a loud voice(lots of
riders turning to ask what?) , and eventually she got so good at it I was
dumped a few times by her stopping dead to stick her nose into the hole :-)
Cindy Budler
Marketing Information Analyst
Afrox Fabrication
South Africa
Tel : 011 876 1179
Cell : 082 464 1809
e-mail: Cindy.Budler@afrox.boc.com <mailto:Cindy.Budler@afrox.boc.com>
From: Vallonelee@aol.com [SMTP:Vallonelee@aol.com]
Sent: 25/10/2001 04:41
To: jolmayna@whitepine.k12.nv.us; Ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: RC: stumbling gelding
I agree with this but take it a step further. When I start a horse
and they aren't paying attention and we hit rough ground I say "watch your
feet". The horse of course pays no attention and almost goes splat. I
purposely look for rough ground and repeat this exercise. After a few times
when I say "watch your feet" they drop their head and pay attention. Works
for me!
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not
the end !
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