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Re: RC: pre ride jittttttterrrrsss
In a message dated 01-10-23 21:04:40 EDT, rides2far@juno.com writes:
<< I suggest you simply
pass the time for the next 2 weeks by snapping testily at your family and
making lists. >>
LOL I've got this part down pat. However, my family consists of only my
husband, so the poor guy bears the brunt of everything. Fortunately, he's a
real sweetie and very patient. As for the lists...he swears he's never seen
anyone more incapable of doing anything without a list. I even have a "ride
list" saved on the computer (God help me if our hard drive ever
crashes...eek...maybe I'd better back the list up on diskette...). My ride
list breaks supplies down into categories: horse stuff, camping gear,
paperwork, clothing, toiletries, food, and misc. supplies. I update it after
every ride when I discover new stuff I need to take...he calls this process
"massaging my list." This last time he looked at my list and deadpanned, "Do
you realize you don't have "horse" on your list?"
Dawn in Texas
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