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Re: RC: Re: Dog Rules

 There are two kinds of dogs I hate and would not brake for but would
chuckle with glee if they got under my wheels. One is Pit Bulls, the
other (Howard, close your eyes) Chows. <VBG> However, I saw Howards dog
at FOF. She(he) seemed well mannered ON LEASH and arrogant (knew she was
beautiful) as most Chows are. Didn't get to go say hi though, kids
emergency, etc.
 Anyway, I am thinking of taking MY dog along. Of course they bark at
horses, but don't bark all night. I would have to park away from everyone
in a corner, but hey I LOVE my dogs too! I have always wanted to take my
dogs to places with me. 
 The only thing holding me back, is there ARE loose dogs running, and I
WOULD have a fight on my hands, as my dogs generally take where they are
tied as their "home" and do defend it. Dusty, the dog I would take has
been chewed twice by Pits. I would go back to working him a couple of
times a week on obedience, and he will work sheep with another dog in the
ring, but... Any thoughts pros or con for me? 

In His Hands,
Lisa P.
Riding: the art of keeping a horse between yourself and the ground.

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