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horse trains cowboy!!!!
Worked a Working ranch horse sale
this weekend with Dr. Roxy Bell in Calgary Alberta.
We had to vet check in the ranch
horses for the show and sale. They had to do a trot out and back and circle in
each direction. Well most of these these horses are really well trained
under saddle but never have been hand trotted. As one cowboy put it . Why would
I walk or jog when I got a horse VBG
Snoopy a big ,not to pretty quarter
horse gelding had it figured out real quick. He took the inside of the circle
and had the cowboy running in circles on the end of the rope. I had to sit on my
hands to keep from buying this horse at the auction and still regret not buying
him. He would have been a great babysitter on the trail for my young horses.
This horse was just too smart.
He would never be an endurance horse
but 25 mile LD with juniors would have been fun for him or slow 50 mile rides.He
has spent his life in the mountains working cattle so his fitness level
was great. Lots of LSD. He was 8
To keep this endurance
I am thinking of putting my new
endurance horse in the show next year. He is out with a trainer now and I plan
on cattle penning for fun this winter. mmmm what would all them cowboys think of
an endurance ARAB that can chase cows and be roped off of .... They all
seem to think that Arabs are crazy and endurance riders are crazier. Also there
were no women riding in the competition.
The show pattern is easy
Load and unload into a stock trailer.
Walk to the center ring (we will trot) in hand , ground tie, pick up all 4 feet
, unbridle and bridle . Figure 8 to show flying lead changes stop spin in each
direction. Work a calf up the rail turn him , circle him in the center and run
him to a pen, Chase him out, rope him and work him ( quite a few missed the calf
so my roping skills which are at this time are none ,won't matter) Trot to
the rail pick up a bedroll place it in front and trot to the other side and set
it on the fence. gallop to center, stop open the gate and close it. You have 8
minutes to do all this.
My boy already opens gates and closes
gates, picks up his feet and ground ties. He can back up and spin. He likes the
neighbours cows so I figure the biggest set back is training ME...
Happy Trails
Paddi Sprecher
Canadian Trail
manufacturer and retailer of fine biothane tack
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