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RE: RC: from bit to Hack/Vosal etc Head carraige

>>However, its a pretty good bet that if one has never used a piece of
equipment before, that it will probably take some time and experimentation
in learning how to use it matter what piece of equipment it


Truer words were never spoken.  Whatever you choose to use, try it out 
several times, experiment with how it sets on the face, and what kind of cues 
(direct rein, neck rein etc) before you decide it will or won't work for your 
horse.  You need to try the new equipment out enough so the you and the horse 
get comfortable with the different type of action. Then ride with it in 
varying circumstances--arena, trail, with or without other horses, before you 
use it at a ride.  Horses are individuals too.  I have headgear hanging in my 
tack room that I used once or twice and the horse didn't like it so I put it 
away.  Same horse, same rider, but more training on both our parts, more 
reading to understand the theory behind a particular piece of tack, now my 
horse responds beautifully to it.  I can now ride my mare in a sidepull 
without her putting her nose in the air.  THAT took a while to figure out, 
mostly on my part.  jeri

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