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Not limited to just horse competitions.

 I agree this is a great topic to debate. Irresponsible dog owners and
"bad" dogs are not just found at horse functions. The first herding trial
I attended, someone's "Conformation" Australian Shepherd got loose and
chased the trial sheep ALL over the  pasture! If anyone of you had EVER
done herding, you know how frustrating it is for all of us novice herders
to take nervous, untrained dogs and work nervous, wound up sheep!
 I would love to put up a No Dogs rule but, as I stated earlier I don't
think we should give up rights because others can't control themselves.
That is NOT what America is about. I will restate that riders should
police themselves. If you see a dog running loose, causing trouble, get
another ride who believes as you do and tie the dog up somewhere. It is
hard for ONE owner to shout down or complain about TWO riders. I know, I
know, they will try anyway but eventually the dregs MIGHT get the idea.
Especially IF the dog owners MUST pay to get their dog(s) back. I too
love the idea of a "fine"! Great way to police the ride!
 Don't let the few "bad" apples spoil the fun for those who do bring dogs

In His Hands,
Lisa P.
Riding: the art of keeping a horse between yourself and the ground.

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