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Lake Louisa

Just got back from my first 25 at Lake Louisa-no wonder it's the most popular ride of the season!The ride management is fantastic,the trails are breathtaking!It was my first time tent camping-umm,where did I put that Exciss brochure?We survived,but I'm not sure how it would have been in heavy rains or wind.We strategically parked next to my friends' parents large camper.Need dinner heated?No problem-used their oven.Last minute tack repairs?Her Dad had a complete mini -repair shop.
I decided to just go for a completion and not push my guy too hard.The first few miles he charged down the trail screaming for his buddy.He slowed down to an extended trot at three miles and I was happy to keep him at that.The winding trails thru oak hammocks and around the lakes were so beautiful-from what I remember!Viktor pulsed right down at both vet checks-but I knew he was tired at the twenty mile check.I decide to use my full five hours and walk the rest of the way in.Advice to people who think they can't camp-it's worth some minor discomfort to experience the ride.Don't worry about placing -just finish with your horse in good shape,even if it means leaving your training buddies.Also, we were very tired,it might be a good idea to have a significant other drive  home the first couple of times.That's all I can think of -thanks to all of my friends on ridecamp.
Tired but elated,
Alicia and Viktor

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