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Music with horses
- To: ridecamp@endurance.net, Allie Heary <Aheary@aol.com>, Amy Hernandez <amyh@csusm.edu>, Barbara Jenkins <Bjenks7@aol.com>, Benjamin Franklin <bksfrank@msn.com>, Bev Blaylock <bblayloc@sdcoe.k12.ca.us>, BRITT Parker <splief99@yahoo.com>, "C. Lindsey" <clindsey1@home.com>, Candi Ricks <c.ricks@prodigy.net>, "ChrylWgnr@aol.com" <ChrylWgnr@aol.com>, Diane Graves <dgraves@sdcoe.k12.ca.us>, Diane Graves <jloveg@aol.com>, Diane Mansur <dmansur@nacmail.com>, Dianne Graves <diannegraves@hotmail.com>, "Dominic Gotelli (E-mail)" <dowago@access1.net>, Doreen Harlow <dharlow@incom.net>, Elaina Hershowich <ehersh@sdcoe.k12.ca.us>, Elizabeth Wilson <lizart1@worldnet.att.net>, Eslene Witte <eslene@julian-ca.com>, Ingrid Tighe <mulemamma1@home.com>, "JLOVEG@aol.com" <JLOVEG@aol.com>, JoAnn <JAHOWARD16@aol.com>, Judi Heitz <jmheitz@earthlink.net-nsta>, Katy Hammack <khammack@sdcoe.k12.ca.us>, Linda Eskin <lseskin@home.com>, Liz Wilson <LIZART1@worldnet.att.net>, Lynne Glazer <lynne@glazer.org>, maryanna stewart <mfsawake@gateway.net>, MissionTrailsMounted <jartes@home.com>, Nancy Taylor <ntaylor@sdcoe.k12.ca.us>, Nola Michel <trlrider@san.rr.com>, Robert & Kathleen <prknride@znet.com>, robert coates <Akhalteke@4dcomm.com>, Sandi Harris <sandiharris@hotmail.com>, "Sherry O'Malley" <l8sherry@hotmail.com>, Sue & Jim Dejanovich <dejanovich@sciti.com>, Suzanne Clancy <clancy@salk.edu>, Tauri Cornell <roadappleranch@hotmail.com>, Wendy Stenner <dstenner@gte.net>
- Subject: Music with horses
- From: Kandhy Franklin <kfrankli@sdcoe.k12.ca.us>
- Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:07:57 -0700
If you have a cd player (I am not sure this comes in a tape) you need to
travel, eat, listen, relax with, Robert Vara's "Horses of the Wind" He
spent 3 years making this. I was listening to it being played at a
wedding reception. The gentleman is the head of the Grossmont Junior
College Music Department in San Diego, CA. You hear the noises of the
horses in the background. Really great. Its ISBN number is
0-9711329-0-9. My students love to listen to it when doing their math.
They call it the horse cd. There are 2 others that they like: They are
from Eva Cassidy the lady who died from cancer at 38. Our two favorites
are Songbird and Time After Time. Wow to her rendition to "Somewhere
Over the Rainbow"!!!
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