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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide
Susan Garlinghouse wrote
"OK, maybe I was missing something, but NO WAY would you give hydrogen
peroxide intravenously. This stuff is way toxic to cells and there's no
justification for it in an IV solution for anything. I would also be pretty
worried about a trainer giving DMSO IV. Yeah, it is given IV for a few
specific conditions like laminitis or cerebral edema, but then it's diluted
in a big bag of saline. It has some anti-inflammatory effect at the right
dosage, but can cause damage if overdone, and I'm not real convinced I'd
trust a trainer to have a handle on that sort of thing."
This question did not have anything to do with an abcessed foot Susan , I
believe that
my friend was using this to cure cronic sore muscles on her horse . I have
never heard
of anyone doing this and was curious if it was something new I had not heard
of . She
said that she had this done a total of 3 times and the first time after
having the treatment
there was a bloody yucky discharge out of his nose and after each treatment
discharge was less and less . It just seems like such a hocus pocus cure
that I had to
see if anyone else had heard of it
Drin Becker
Mtn. Region
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