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Re: RC: Sponsoring Juniors

Sponsoring a junior - or two - is fun, fulfilling and a great way to start these kids out right. The caveat is - MAKE SURE TO START THEM OUT RIGHT! It is incumbent on anyone sponsoring or even mentoring a junior rider (or a beginning adult for that matter) that the BEST of manners, methods and ideas be taught - not just "Haul you-know-what down the trail and WIN!"

In addition, it is paramount that each rider be capable and WILLING to take care of his or her own horse as is they were never to have crew. When I see a junior rider (actually, any rider) Throw their reins to a crew member and just sit, I get irritated. While a 100 miler absolutely necessitates a rider taking a breather as well - and even 50s for most riders coming up, I bristle when I see young riders, chatting and just hanging out while mom or dad is vetting a horse through or otherwise doing the rider's job.  Our daughter, now 14, rode her first LD at 9 years old - and no one has veer vetted her horse through nor has anyone else been required to feed, water or otherwise care for her horse at a ride. These are important things to teach as well - the least of the things to teach is how to win.


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