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Re: rider wanted?
> undisclosed <undisclosed>
> A friend sent me this ad she found. I have not laughed so hard in awhile.
> I left off the phone information etc.
> Gentle, advanced, lightweight female trailrider wanted. Our gorgeous,
> talented, sensitive, adorable, high-energy Arab needs one more human in
> his family. Dedicated rain-or-shine rider only. South Marin, amazing
> trails. You must be able to handle spooks calmly and with ease. $150/mo
> for 2 days per week.
If that one actually works, then I think I might try running one of my
Nicely filled out, gorgeous, athletic, soft-handed, soft-voiced...aw, screw
it, just has to look good in jeans...cowboy wanted. Right now. This
minute. Also, he can ride the horses. Must be a certified farrier,
certified Lyons trainer, understand the Zen of Chevy engines, be willing to
do laundry, clean the chicken coop, stack hay, and understand the metabolic
pathways of the hindgut fermenter. Allergic to alfalfa a plus. Must be
willing to fly PMS Airlines often without turning a hair. Fluent in
English helpful, otherwise just must be willing to parrot the phrase, "No,
darlin', let me do that." Must not object to being shackled in the basement
when visitors are present. Payment negotible.
Susan G
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