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Re: Re: slant loads

We have one of those LQ slant loads with mangers.  The storage under the mangers is huge, accessible, and invaluable.  We tie the horses loose so they can step back away from the mangers and drop their heads; you're right--the slant loads--at least the wide ones--allow plenty of room for this even with mangers.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kris Givens
To: Ride Camp
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 9:54 AM
Subject: RC: Re: slant loads

None of the
slant-loads I see seem to allow a horse to drop his head.(Is that

I have a 3 horse Sundowner and they have ample room to drop their heads.  Also, I never tie unless I am hauling two horses who have just 'met' and I think there will be some biting. Then I tie them in with trailer ties snapped to the cheek piece of the halter and attached to the tie that is directly under the window to the side.  I do not tie them up high.  This gives them room to drop their heads yet doesn't allow them to bite each other.

I'm wondering if the slant loads you've seen that appear restrictive are those that have LQ's and have that manger type area running in front of the horses. Even those appear to me to have more box room per horse than a straight load with a manger.  I'm curious about this as some day I will be trading off the trailer for one with LQ's and of course, my horses comfort is paramount to mine.

Kris and Nyke and Kolter

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