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Re: Dixie Midnight no-sweat vent pad & Aussie enduro pad

>I am looking for feedback, commentaries, opinions, ideas
>etc. from anyone is has used/is using the Dixie Midnight
>pad or the new Aussie enduro pad or both (even better!).
>I emailed the person who sells the Dixie Midnight pad a
>while back (very nice person) and it sounds like a very good idea, but I
>still shopping around and would like some input from Ridecamp

I have 2 Dixie Midnight pads...bought one then found another brand that was
cheaper -- the cheaper one was thicker and heavier which I didn't like as
well -- so when it came time to order a third one, I went with the Dixie
Midnight pad again.

When we use this pad the sweat runs down the side of the horse instead of
absorbing into the sheepskin on top of it...besides a little additional
cooling effect, it helps keep your pad clean.  I use a Skito/sheepskin pad
on top of it which is a bit of a pain to wash on a regular basis so I
really like the "keeping the pad clean" part.  To clean the Dixie Midnight
pad, I've hosed it off and I've also tossed it in the washing machine with
no ill effect.

I've thought about putting a thermometer on the horse's backs to see if
there was a temp difference with and without the pad...and, altho I've got
the thermometer units, I've never gotten around to testing that aspect.
The probe on the thermometers slide out from under the regular pads so I
gave up on using them.  I initially wanted to see if there were temperature
differences between horses, but the sliding probe was a pain so I abandoned
the idea.  I guess I need to figure out a way to anchor the probe -- any


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