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Spooking - Spook and Spin - Thank You/Everyone
Dear Ridecampers,
I am "overwhelmed" with the responses I received - both online and off -
concerning my dilemma. I am in the midst of trying to answer everyone offline
so please bear with me. This has been quite an experience for me.
The general concensus seems to be Baschke will always have a tendency to spook
and both he and I need additional training if I am to keep him. For numerous -
bitter sweet - reasons; I am choosing to part with him. I will either try to
trade for another Arabian, Ara/App or some type of Arabian cross or sell him
outright. I gave $3000.00 for him at the age of three (3) - he's a classic,
awesome horse with plenty of bone - but am receptive to any/all offers. If
interested; please see ad I placed on endurance.net yesterday.
Many "many" thanks for everyone's response; you have been a tremendous help and
it was greatly appreciated.
Ruth Abair in NE Texas
email: shakesbearides@texoma.net
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