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Over reaching
Hello list,
My farrier does not have much experience with correcting over reaching
in horses. I know there is a lot of experienced riders and farriers on
the list, so I told her I would ask the list for help. Can anyone help
Up till now, I had not been working my mare a lot. We took that ten mile
ride last Sunday. That was the first time I saw any problems. She is just
scraping her right fore foot with her hind. When I worked her this past
Saturday, she really clipped herself good! I am getting a pair of bell
boots tomorrow till we find out if it can be corrected with trimming. Our
first ride is Saturday October 20 and I don't want to lose any training
My farrier will be asking other farriers in my area that have more
experience with this problem. Holly, my farrier, is WONDERFUL with Arabi.
She doesn't take Arabi's nonsense. :0) I don't want to change now. Can
anyone help me? Thanks all! :0)
In His Hands,
Lisa P.
Riding: the art of keeping a horse between yourself and the ground.
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