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Darolyn's Accident (update report)
Oct. 8, Hard to believe
that it has been almost 3 weeks since my accident. Even though I've
glanced at the computer 2-3 times in the last week, I'm just now able to stay up
(at least with lucidity) long enough to write the kind of "-mail thank you"I
wanted to.
I've always said all of
you were like family... and you truly are. I may be slow, but I'll try to
answer everyone personally that sent cards, candy, brought food, flowers,
etc. And please, if I talked with you on the phone prior to a few days
ago.... there's an excellent chance I won't remember it. Between the drugs
& the minor concussion my recall of the past 3 weeks is pretty slight.
If you're interested in
the details of the accident, here is what I am told happened... thankfully,
shock helps erase all the personal memory of those events.
Vicki Hudson & I had
stopped off at Grace & Jan's up in Illinois to visit a few days as we were
in route to the Kettle Moraine Ride in Wisconsin. On the 3rd day, Jan,
Grace & I were gathering an ornery ole cow that kept getting out. We
were actually driving 3 of them in (very slowly, no dramatics or fast/furious
cowboying), when coming down a step, slick (wet) hill, the mare's feet I was
riding, slipped under her, she reared in response, and somehow did a
180 spin & fell backwards, DOWNHILL! I took the full power of the
arc & hit the ground on my backside like the proverbial sack of potatoes,
bricks or whatever.
Then to add insult to
injury, the mare came back on top of me, scrambled up & fell on me once
more. I vaguely remember coming to on the ground, (thank goodness
Jan/Grace have a helmet rule on their ranch) .... it may have easily saved my
life as hard as I hit.... even with its protection my brain was pretty rattled
and I had a terrific whiplash as well.
EMT's arrived in literal
minutes, then, after being strapped to a back board, 7-8 gentlemen acted
as human shock absorbers as they held the back board in the back of a 4X4 on
into the ranch & waiting ambulance. The hospital ride was a mere 30
minutes & the hospital care was par excellence. Had a bad trip once 6
years ago.... and I can really appreciate the good ones now.
The force of the pommel
(thank god no saddle horn) probably broke the pelvis, & the force of the
crash is probably what got my spine. I have a compressed vertebra &
2-3 of the spinal prosthesis are broken off. Yes, it was pretty doggone
painful at first, & still is on occasion if I move wrong or too suddenly, or
not not often enough. I'm up in a wheel chair for a few hours each day, I
can take short trips (10 steps or so) on a walker, & can get up & down
out of bed on my own now. Its amazing how much better I am each day.
Just mainly have to watch that I don't progress to fast.... (I pay for that with
a sleepless, uncomfortable night).
I should be fairly healed
by the middle or late November. Hopefully I'll be riding by December or
January... so don't all U middleweights in Central Region get to
complacent. ;-).
Once again, the sincerest
of thanks for everyone's concern and communications.... love to all... and
please wear those helmets.
Butler-Dial & Mark Dial
Proven Endurance Horses for Sale or
Trail Rides * Boarding * Training*Lessons
Saare Saddles, Professional Choice, Advanced
Biological Concepts, & KM (Human Electrolytes)
HORSE TRIM (Barefootin")
21415 Cypresswood Dr. Humble, Texas 77338
Ph: 281 446 7232 Fax 281 446 0113 Toll Free (800) 228 8768
mail: darolyn@swbell.net http://home.swbell.net/darolyn/
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