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Re: 75 mile distances

I have been very busy and am just catching up with back issues of 
Ridecamp. As the manager of the Hallelujah Benefit Ride, which offers 
25/50/75/100 mile distances, here are some of my observations and opinions.

Since we began offering the 75 mile distance here in South Carolina, the 
75 mile distance has not been popular. A few riders enter each year, 
always fewer than ten. I continue to offer it because there is some 
interest, and we all have to be out there for the hundred mile riders to 
finish anyway, so the only extra expense would be the specific awards 
for that distance. We already have the vets, trail markers, glo-sticks, 
volunteers, and so on in place. Yes, there is another set of paperwork, 
but no one seems to mind it, and the few riders who do enter seem to 
really be grateful for the "in-between" distance. When I was polling 
riders before offering it the first time, there seemed to be a greater 
interest than there have been actual riders.

My bigger frustration every year is whether or not to sanction as an 
"elevator" ride. When I do, no one elevates. When I don't sanction that 
way there are always people at check in who expect to be able to 
elevate, and are disappointed when I explain that to elevate the ride 
must be sanctioned as such through AERC ahead of time. This year we 
sanctioned as an elevator ride. We will see. If there are no takers this 
year it will be the last year to sanction that way.

This year the Hallelujah Ride will be February 23. We will have a new 
base camp location, just a short distance closer to Ridgeway, SC, to 
give us more camping area. Linda's hay field was pretty crowded at the 
last ride. The directions will be very much the same, just watch for the 
AERC signs on Longtown Road, and please bring people water. The water 
tank truck will be on site for any horse water needed. We are a fund 
raisesr for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. ALSO ALL JUNIORS RIDE FREE. 
($10.00 AERC non-member fee is the only charge for non-member juniors.) 
I will soon be printing flyers, so if you haven't been coming, get me 
your address and I will send you the information.

Happy trails,
Lucie from SC

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