I found that with my mare Solstice that she was deathly afraid of the garbage truck lifting dumpsters way in the air...her heartrate could go from 40 to 150 in an instant. Wish I had known that before I got kicked that time... Solstice also used to always spin in a counter clockwise direction for fun. Did anyone ever notice one sided spinning in a horse. This mare never ever spun to the right. Only to the left. If she saw something that she wanted to spook at...say the same light pole that she had passed 1000 times, I found that a judiciously applied spur on her left side, just as her head and neck were getting that giraffe-arched appearance, usually ended the whole scenario. Now I notice my new red chestnut horse has tiny tippy ears and when he gets to looking at something they seem to point together like...The ears of the DEVIL!! already I have found that giving him a little leg and a strong word, can interrupt his fun. Beth