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NRR Lost & Found

Norco Riverdance ride footnote, probably should have said something 
earlier.  Lots of items were lost or left at vet checks, that I'll 
bring to the Manzanita ride today.  More stuff than in any of the 
past years.  Particularly significant is a red crew bag with a metal 
bucket attached, that was sent by a rider to vet check 1.

You guys know how it is--I'll haul this huge 30 gal. muck bucket 
*full* of goods to THIS ride and that's it.

'95 Dodge RAM dually diesel, dingy aluminum 4h Sundowner gooseneck 
with a black stripe, metal corral fencing on right side.  Come and 

and Rem-member Me, Celesteele
ReactorPanel fittings at Manzanita, too.

    Check it Out!    

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