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Spin & Spook

I also had a horse that would spook for 'fun'.  Spook, buck, rear, toss
his head, etc all for entertainment.  Happened mostly on our training
rides when there was nothing to fully occupy his mind.  Never happened
when there was lots of new stuff going on around him.  Then he was rock
solid. So at competitions and on 'good' days, he was the best horse I
have ever ridden, so smooth and just ate up the miles.  But on a 'bad'
day, he terrified me.  I was going to end up getting hurt for his
entertainment.  I worked with him and a trainer for 6 months but we
couldn't get consistent 'bad' days and the training itself was something
new and interesting, so we rarely got to work on the actual problem.  I
finally ended up selling him to a lady with tons of experience and a
dressage background and they're doing great together.   She's better
able to keep him focused than I was.

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