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FHA clinic
I attended the ride portion of the Florida Horseman's Association CTR
clinic this past weekend. I had a really great time, came in last (Well,
I would have if I hadn't missed that last turn and shaved off two miles
of the ride.) LOL and just really enjoyed myself and my mare.
I met Karen Jones who helped me a LOT. She gave me a lot of information
and help with training for endurance. It was comforting to know that I
was not really pushing Arabi during training and I can push her a little
harder. I also met Ken Anderson again. Ken showed me where my saddle
didn't fit my mare properly and how that can lead to a sore back and
other problems. As a result, I got my Abetta on Tuesday. It fits her real
nice. I love how it rides as well.
I had thought Arabi would be a little tired after her long ride on
Sunday. We took our time trailering home. Since she came off the ride,
went through all the vet checks okay and was standing in the trailer for
a while, I thought it would be good to lounge her and make sure she
wasn't sore or limping. Well, she came out and seemed to be limping at
the trot intermittently. I examined her and found two sores on the back
of her heels, either from overreaching, or from being trailered. My
farrier was out Tuesday, and looked. She had no idea which would be the
case either. I had some spray for sheep, cattle and horses the vet gave
me when my ram cut himself open. I sprayed that on her and she healed up
I decided to give her two days off allowing me to get my saddle and her
foot to heal. It worked great! She had so much energy yesterday on our
ride we rode at mostly a trot and canter for the whole hour and a half we
were riding! WOW!
I grew up riding a standardbred pony who could pace as fast as a 16 h
horse could gallop. I had never cantered much before. I must say I LOVE
IT! :0) I trust my mare. She is not a spooky horse by nature and I feel
very comfortable on her. I do have to watch for a sudden turn to the left
which she has decided to try, but so far she has not succeeded in
unseating me. That is not her goal and I think this is why I can ride
through it. :0) She just pulls that trying to turn for home.
Well, as a result of the ride clinic 10miler, and the resulting
consultation with Karen, I am putting working miles on my mare. I am
having a blast, and realize why everyone says endurance is contagious! I
look forward to my first real endurance race at FOF here in Florida.
I hope to meet all of you on the trails someday!
In His Hands,
Lisa P.
Riding: the art of keeping a horse between yourself and the ground.
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