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Conditioning Tips

>>TRY to ride 5x a week, 

Could you change that to 3x per week, with one of them for several hours?
It's especially important to have off days between stressful workouts.

>>I have books withseveral conditioning programs, but they are not always
realistic for thosefolks that> work.

Don't worry about those. I've yet to meet a person who wrote them who
actually rode as much as they claim to in those things. If there's any
way you can do hills you'll get more training for your time spent.  I
have a friend who had no horse trailer and just a farm to ride on. What
she did was ride about like you, then do an LD, then do those little
training rides, and another LD. An LD competition is a *great* training
ride even for a 50 or 100 mile horse, so by the end of the season, she
could complete a 50.


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