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Re: RC: Re: From Dave Nicholson (the Duck)
In a message dated Thu, 25 Jan 2001 12:09:51 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Sandy Bolinger" <bolinger@bigsky.net> writes:
<< exogenous...originating or produced outside of the organism....I guess he
could be referring to everything from Carbo-Load to magnets????? >>
I know this isn't what the Duck meant, but exogenous to the horse could even be food and water. I'd suspect he was referring to all the non-basic sorts of products in use these days and just used a poor choice of words. All the "gimic" products from chondroitin to Carbo-Load to whatever can be used wisely in the right circumstances, but far too often are used as "magic bullets" to try to make up for every sort of lack from conditioning and hard work to plain lack of aptitude in a given horse. All too often, the closer one crowds to the edge, especially with artificial means, the harder one falls when one does crash...
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