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> >
> >
> > Well, you got it half right. It ain't my job to lecture and belittle.
> >
> > But it's damnsure *your* job to maintain your horse's health.
> > So if you expect the DVM to keep your horse alive, then be prepared for
> > rant, because it will come.
> > --CMNewell, DVM
> >
>I agree with about 90% of this.......becuase best as we all try......there
>are things occasionally that we fail to pick up on...
>There are horses that move great, good P & R's, finish rides with terrific
>scores; and crash right after.......
>There are ongoing problems that owners fail to detect,and even vets fail to
There's a vst difference between these scenarios and the quote I responded
to which gave me the distinct impression that it was ok for the rider to
abandon judgement in the heat of competition and expect the vet to be
responsible for the horse.
Reminds me of the idiotic and growing perception (at least here in the PC
Commonwealth of Massachusetts) that if you drink yourself silly at a bar,
it's the bartender's fault if you wrap your car around an innocent
bystander. Yes, the barkeep ought to shut off an obvious drunk, but s/he
can't be watching a roomful of people closely enough to prevent all those
fools from doing stupid things.
At some point, you have to retain a shred of common sense if you are to
function outside a daycare facility.
Yes, bottom line is that we're there to try our damndest to keep you from
killing your horses, but it ought to be a cooperative effort.
--CMNewell. DVM
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