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> MaryBen's error was not in knowledge of the rules--it was in the assumption that >the man was not entered in the ride.  She is absolutely correct that his actions >would have been a violation otherwise.  Both her comment and yours are examples of >reacting without knowing all the facts.  I'm sure she stands corrected regarding >her assumption, but as a long-time former director, I'll stand behind her in her >later statement that as a director of AERC, she is sworn to upholding its >rules--as in fact, all members should be.
> Heidi

Heidi, you're right.  I apologize to Maryben and all for my inflamatory
and inappropriate comments.  Overreacted to something that was not
really an issue and should never have been addressed in the manner it
was.  (Believe it or not, I am not a politician) :)  Would like to
attribute it to a "Bad Hair Day" or PMS, but can't do that either.  Must
have peed on the electric fence too many times?

Jim..<prostrating himself and begging forgiveness>

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