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In a message dated 1/23/01 8:44:26 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

.  I just hate to see new riders turned off.

If "new" riders are "turned off" by the remarks of an extremely competent and
savvy endurance rider and vet such as the Duck, then that very reaction
probably speaks volumes about those riders' understanding of the sport of
   If, on the other hand, they "get it", they will not be offended and might
even be thankful someone cared enough about the horse, EVERY HORSE, to share
the insight that comes from seeing the number of horses (over the years) the
Duck has...the really great athletes, properly conditioned to excel, as well
as the "backyard horse" whose owner is in hot pursuit of the GLORY to be
found on the endurance trail.
   The last time I looked, most endurance horses are ridden by one
rider...THAT rider is responsible for THAT horse.
   And when a rider loses sight of THAT fact, perhaps they DO need to seek a
different "hobby" (preferably one in which something won't die or get
permanently crippled due to the overzealous pursuit of a new bucket or

   Frank Solano


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