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Re: RC: Re: Barefoot and hoof growth
> proving that the particular horseshoe does in fact
> give the horse better circulation. He does a very
> complete study with standard shoes and barefoot, but
I don't disagree that barefoot horses very likely do have better blood flow
to the foot than a shod horse. I do have a problem with then extrapolating
that one finding into conclusions that these minor changes in bloodflow are
then going to affect kidney and liver function. Gimme a break, 20% of
cardiac output goes to the kidneys, barring ischemia or pathology, and the
artery flowing into it is like a freeway. You could totally occlude
bloodflow to the feet entirely and the kidneys would never notice the
difference in workload. And besides, I agree with Maggie's
assessment---horn tissue is dead tissue and has no role in excretion of
waste products.
Susan G
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