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Hoof growth - explain this scenario !
Laura T lit959@yahoo.com
Judy said
<I have been following the barefoot posts with interest. Someday, maybe I
will get the courage to try it, but I want to share a few observations.
Please feel free to point out if
I'm not getting this :) >
I have been reading the following posts with DISinterest, and have only
read a couple. So, I am having the courage to share an observation.
<I understand that the hoof grows more with more use. I just want to say
that one of my horses, even when shod, grows much faster with more use.
When we are
training/conditioning, 4 times a week, I need to have the farrier out at
least every 5 weeks, sometimes 4. The hoof grows faster, and of course the
shoes wear. So I don't
think having shoes on them restricts blood flow to the point that is being
discussed here. Maybe I just have a good farrier, or a horse with great
<So unless you have a stable full of horses that you can switch off,
experiment on.>
I have talked about my 3 day eventer friend before. Great lady too!! She
rides her horses alot, and works them hard too.
She has one horse she is riding and preparing for a 2star 3-day event.
She has had this horse for about 2.5 years.
She bought him from some dealer, and he didn't know anything. So for him
to be doing a 2star in 2.5 years, that is saying alot of riding and
And they are doing very well together. So she knows how this horses feet
grow. We both have the same shoer too. She said that his feet have not
any more or any less since she has had him. They have stayed the same
rate of growth. She also has a stable of horses that are regualarly
So she is able to "experiment" with them. She says that none have any
more hoof growth, or less,
before, during, or after their training. She has raised many from birth.
No change in hoof growth.
OK, I have a 4.5 yr old arab gelding. I have had him since he was weaned.
His feet grow so fast, I should have
married a farrier! I have his feet trimmed every 4 -5 weeks on the nose.
Shoer cuts of 1/2" or more each time. Oh,
did I mention he has ALL white feet too? hee hee he really does. He also
has huge hoof walls too. Very tough feet.
He was never ridden until after he was way past his third year. Still his
hooves grew very fast, even with shoes. Now that I am riding
him a few times a week or less sometimes zero times a week, his hooves are
growing the same rate. So ridden/exercise or a pasture ornament,
his feet grow really fast! They are very hard too.
Bottom line: Genetics. You get what you got from God, and your parents.
It can't be changed. I can not believe there is
a correlation between hoof growth, and exercise. And NO I do not give him
supplements for his feet.
My friend DOES give her horse supplements. Genetics.
So how do you explain that scenario?
Laura T - Ding Dong the heat is gone!! Yahoo, fall is here!! No more
heat rash!
Diamonds INXS - It is that time of the month again! Cut my toes off!
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