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Re: RC: Old Macs & Swiss Boot Info:

   The not-so-"Easyboots"  are a great boot.  The not-so Easy, is due to lack of practice or knowledge on how to use one.  I'm not up to this speed but an easyboot can be put on in less than 30 seconds.  You can use them over shoes or with a barefooted horse, for 100's of miles in one week.  You can choose to foam on or not to foam on.
    I'm sure this person stating her reason to lightly bash "The Easyboot" has not much experience or miles in any of the boots mentioned.

Tammy Robinson

<<To all who were interested in Old Macs & Swiss Boots as an alternative to
not-so-"Easy Boots", here are the websites with their information: (available in German & English!)

and for those whose blessed with bottomless wallets (where can I get one?!),
here is the link for  Horse Sneakers, custom made from impression molds of
your horse's hooves!

Please note that I was advised by a fellow Ridecamper that it was her
understanding that the Old Macs seem to work great for horses with smaller
hooves, as the larger sizes come from a different mold than the smaller ones
do, and therefore do not seem to work as well for bigger hooves.

If anyone has any more information to share with us regarding this, please
post your experiences so that we can have something to go by, or contact the
manufacturer for additional information.  Hope this is of some help.

Kindest Regards,

Tracey Ritter and Cotey, Peruvian Paso Extraordinnaire
Portland, OR>>

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