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Maureen A. Fager "She did not worm from April until late August, when she used Zimecterin. I think the horse needs worming again. She is worried that she does not want to give too much too soon. " In a book that is formatted in notebook style, big blue notebook whose name escape's me at the moment, (it's at home.) This book has a chart that among other things lists the toxiticty levels of de-wormers and ivermetrin is listed as 60X, in other words, one would have to give 60 times the normal dose for it to become toxic. Pancur was listed as 100X. I looked it up last night. I'll look the book title's name up and post tomorrow, but the bottom line is, your friend should be afraid of the parasites--not of the dewormers. She is putting her horse's heath at risk. There is lots of good information about de-worming availible, many horse magazines publish articles and many programs are outlined in horse and stable management books. De-worming programs can be managed around fecal samples, but many folks have good results by de-worming every 2 months and rotating de-wormers. There may be much more information availble on web, perhaps you can help your friend do some research. Good Luck, Maureen Reno, NV
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